Have you ever experienced a time you wished you had known more about how to resolve a conflict? This 13 week class will introduce you to biblical principles for handling conflict, and it will give you practical steps for becoming a peacemaker in both your life and the lives of others.

You can download the handout for each lesson by clicking the green title, or you can download the audio by clicking "Audio".


Lesson 1: Introduction to Peacemaking


Lesson 2: The Slippery Slope of Conflict (Audio)


Lesson 3: Conflict Provides Opportunities (Audio)


Lesson 4: Conflict Begins in the Heart (Audio)


Lesson 5: Confession Brings Freedom (Audio)


Lesson 6: Just Between the Two of You (Audio)


Lesson 7: Forgive as God Forgave You (Audio)


Lesson 8: Speak the Truth in Love (Audio)


Lesson 9: Take One or Two Others Along (Audio)


Lesson 10: Overcoming Unforgiveness (Audio)


Lesson 11: Look Also to the Interests of Others (Audio)


Lesson 12: Overcome Evil with Good (Audio)


Lesson 13: Cultivating a Culture of Peace in Your Church (Audio)