Christ Comes to Us Through His Word
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Series: Advent Series: Christ Between Advents Scripture: Romans 10:5–17
Takeaway: The Bible isn’t a history book or merely the writings of ancient people. Scripture is not primarily a guidebook for our life or resource to help us. The Bible is an encounter with the living and active Christ. Jesus is not left up to our opinion or interpretation; he reveals himself to us. Through his word, Christ’s life and work are applied to us; he challenges, teaches, and communes with us. How should understanding the Bible as an encounter with Jesus shape the way you read it?
other sermons in this series
Dec 29
The Coming Judge and Redeemer of All Humanity
Preacher: Cord Carlin Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13– 5:11 Series: Advent Series: Christ Between Advents
Dec 22
The Gift of Christ
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Ephesians 4:7–16 Series: Advent Series: Christ Between Advents
Dec 8
Humanity in the Presence of God
Preacher: Cord Carlin Scripture: Hebrews 7:21– 8:2, Hebrews 8:6 Series: Advent Series: Christ Between Advents