Nunc Dimitis, the First Advent
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Series: Advent Series: Christ Between Advents Scripture: Luke 2:22–38
Takeaway: The Christmas season can seem like just a lot of waiting. We spend December waiting for a day that we hope will fulfill all our hopes and dreams. Christianity, likewise, can seem like a lot of waiting for God to act, waiting for his blessing, and waiting for our reward. But in all that waiting, it can be easy to overlook the fact that Christ is actively at work. In our passage, Simeon and Anna get it right. They understand at the beginning of the first Advent that what has already been done is enough to celebrate. What are you desperately waiting for that you believe will bring you peace? What is the problem you are waiting for God to fix?
other sermons in this series
Dec 29
The Coming Judge and Redeemer of All Humanity
Preacher: Cord Carlin Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13– 5:11 Series: Advent Series: Christ Between Advents
Dec 22
The Gift of Christ
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Ephesians 4:7–16 Series: Advent Series: Christ Between Advents
Dec 15
Christ Comes to Us Through His Word
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Romans 10:5–17 Series: Advent Series: Christ Between Advents