November 10, 2024

What to Expect When You’re Expecting (The Judgment Day)

Preacher: Kevin Nelson Series: Revelation Scripture: Revelation 6:1–17

TAKEAWAY: Is this really what God intended? If God’s answers to the problems of the world come through Christianity, then why do Christians still face hardship and loss? Revelation 6 confronts us with all the things most people fear, but the message is one of encouragement and trust. God is in control. What does faithful perseverance look like for you? In what way does the delay in judgment motivate you to evangelize?

other sermons in this series

Jan 19


God vs. The Good Life

Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Revelation 8:6–13 Series: Revelation

Jan 12


Indelible Prayer

Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Revelation 8:1–5 Series: Revelation

Nov 24


Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Revelation 7:1– 8:1 Series: Revelation