The End of Worship
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Series: Revelation Scripture: Revelation 5:8–14
Takeaway: Worship may seem like a waste of time, particularly if you leave feeling like you didn’t get anything out of it. It does not change our standing with God or improve the chances of our prayers being answered. But, maybe, worship isn’t exclusively for us. How should the vision of worship in Revelation 5 prepare us for Sunday worship? Is praising God for who he is, rather than just what he does, difficult for you?
other sermons in this series
Jan 12
Indelible Prayer
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Revelation 8:1–5 Series: Revelation
Nov 24
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Revelation 7:1– 8:1 Series: Revelation
Nov 10
What to Expect When You’re Expecting (The Judgment Day)
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Revelation 6:1–17 Series: Revelation