October 20, 2024

Seeing the Big Picture

Preacher: Kevin Nelson Series: Revelation Scripture: Revelation 4:1–11

Takeaway: The world seems to be in chaos and evil seems to run rampant, causing the church to suffer. It appears as if God is absent in our day. In a similar situation, John is called into the throne room of God. He witnesses a worship service and begins to understand what God is doing. He sees God in control and ushering in a new creation. How can worship reframe and reinterpret what you are going through now? How can failing to worship lead to hopelessness and despair?

other sermons in this series

Jan 12


Indelible Prayer

Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Revelation 8:1–5 Series: Revelation

Nov 24


Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Revelation 7:1– 8:1 Series: Revelation