July 21, 2024

A Transforming Salvation

Preacher: Cord Carlin Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 14:10– 40:31

Takeaway: We can often be filled with fear – we fear what people think of us and we fear death itself. Sometimes we grow in these areas, but other times we’re stuck. This fear stems from focusing on the wrong things and thinking our salvation depends on us. Israel experienced a great fear when they saw Egypt rise up against them. God delivered them by defeating all their enemies. Israel’s passing through the sea is a pre-enactment of what Jesus does for his people in his death and resurrection. How does knowing Christ change you?

other sermons in this series

Jan 5


Wilderness Provisions, pt. 3: The Source of Success

Preacher: Cord Carlin Scripture: Exodus 17:8–16 Series: Exodus

Nov 17


Wilderness Provisions, Pt. 2: Christ

Preacher: Cord Carlin Scripture: Exodus 16:1–15, Exodus 17:1–7 Series: Exodus

Sep 29


Wilderness Provisions, pt. 1: Healing

Preacher: Cord Carlin Scripture: Exodus 15:22–27 Series: Exodus