You Say You Want a Revolution
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 42:1–9
Takeaway: Jesus came to bring a just and life-giving society. Many revolutionaries have attempted a similar goal through violence and domination. The church has sometimes fallen into using these means. Isaiah, however, foresees that God will accomplish this through a Servant. He comes tenderly, yet intent on transforming us. Why is it difficult for you to trust in the power of the gospel to change the world?
other sermons in this series
Aug 11
This “Time” is Not Our Home
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Isaiah 60:1–11 Series: Isaiah
Aug 4
The Beautiful Community
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Isaiah 60:1–22 Series: Isaiah
Jul 28
How to Become a Christian
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Isaiah 55:1–13 Series: Isaiah