Reasonable Compromises or Faithful Obedience
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 36:1– 37:7
Takeaway: How do you remain faithful when you are out of options? Is it ever right to compromise your faith when there are no clear alternatives? With the Assyrian Empire poised to attack, Israel looked to every other means of safety aside from trusting God. When everything else let him down, King Hezekiah finally turned to God in faith. God’s miraculous deliverance is a rebuke to our narrow-minded faith. What are the ‘dead-ends’ of obedience that tempt you to compromise your faith for a way out?
other sermons in this series
Aug 11
This “Time” is Not Our Home
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Isaiah 60:1–11 Series: Isaiah
Aug 4
The Beautiful Community
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Isaiah 60:1–22 Series: Isaiah
Jul 28
How to Become a Christian
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Isaiah 55:1–13 Series: Isaiah