The Moment of Clarity
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 6:1–13
Takeaway: Amid the stress and chaos of life, we can be fooled into a sense of our own self-importance and self-sufficiency. Our priorities win. God, if we acknowledge him, is irrelevant. Isaiah’s appearance before a holy God jolts him awake spiritually. This moment of clarity seems like doom but becomes his path to hope. Are you open to this same moment of clarity, or do you prefer to keep the status quo? What is preventing you from the type of vulnerability that leads to salvation?
other sermons in this series
Aug 11
This “Time” is Not Our Home
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Isaiah 60:1–11 Series: Isaiah
Aug 4
The Beautiful Community
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Isaiah 60:1–22 Series: Isaiah
Jul 28
How to Become a Christian
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Isaiah 55:1–13 Series: Isaiah