Differences that Must Not Destroy
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Series: Romans Scripture: Romans 14:13–23
Takeaway: The Book of Romans testifies to the fact that God cares about doctrine. Right doctrine, however, that damages the faith of a fellow Christian is not right. In chapter 14, Paul explains the responsibility Christians have for the maturity of fellow members. What are you doing to conform your conscience to God’s word? How are you building up your brother or sister in Christ?
other sermons in this series
Nov 19
To Glorify God and Enjoy Him Forever
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Romans 16:25–27 Series: Romans
Nov 12
Gospel Ambition
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Romans 15:14–33 Series: Romans
Nov 5
As Christ Welcomed You
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Romans 15:1–13 Series: Romans