The Necessity of Christ's Bodily Resurrection
Preacher: Cord Carlin Series: Advent Series: Celebrating Christ’s Humanity Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:17-26, 50-58
Takeaway: Something all people and things have in common is that they will eventually die. Because death is inevitable, everyone experiences it as a common enemy. We are grieved at the loss of loved ones, and we ourselves are often fearful of dying. In order for God to redeem his creation from the curse, death must be defeated and overturned. Christianity's foundational claim is that Jesus was resurrected from the dead. During Advent, you should consider this question: Why was Jesus Christ’s bodily resurrection necessary?
other sermons in this series
Dec 25
Christ’s Humanity Makes the Invisible Visible
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Colossians 1:15-20 Series: Advent Series: Celebrating Christ’s Humanity
Dec 4
Jesus Becomes Our Brother to Lead Us into a New Family
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Hebrews 2:10-18 Series: Advent Series: Celebrating Christ’s Humanity
Nov 27
Christ’s Life of Obedience
Preacher: Kevin Nelson Scripture: Luke 4:1-13 Series: Advent Series: Celebrating Christ’s Humanity